Terms of Use

“Website” or “site” – bouwclub.info and subdomains *.bouwclub.info.

Use of this site means that you accept the Terms of Use.

By using our site, you also agree to our Privacy Policy and Cookie.

Your use of this site is at your own risk. As the developer of this site, I am not liable for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damages arising from the use of this site or any other site linked or hyperlinked from this site.

I make every effort to provide you with accurate information to answer your question, however, this does not exclude the possibility of errors and inaccuracies.

If you find an error on the site, please notify us by e-mail: buildingclubinfo@gmail.com. (With your help, we will improve this site).

These Terms of Use may be updated from time to time. Changes are effective immediately upon posting on this page.